Kala’s Bacon Wrapped Meat Loaf

The New Year is always welcomed with wine and cake, but you also need something substantial in your stomach to remain steady on your feet 🙂 My Bacon Wrapped Meat Loaf will provide loads of protein and fat to prepare you for your next trip around the sun. I had seen bacon wrapped dishes and wanted to try one myself. I created this recipe from scratch and a clip from a TV show taught me how to wrap bacon; my daughter came to my aid and did it to perfection.

Kala’s Bacon Wrapped Meat Loaf
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Ginger Loaf Cake

Christmas is the season when everyone eats heartily irrespective of their religion, especially rich frosted cakes. By the time the New Year approaches their digestive discomfort makes them regret some of their menu. This Ginger Loaf Cake allows them to enjoy the season of cakes and relieve their distress 🙂 I came across this recipe in Cakes and Cake Decorating and All-Colour Cookbook – the same recipe with the same photograph! Self-raising flour is not easily available here, and what is available here is very bitter, so I have substituted it with maida and baking powder. I don’t like the taste of ginger powder and have used fresh ginger extract instead.

Ginger Loaf Cake - Kalas Kalai

Ginger Loaf Cake

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Potato-Cup Mince Cutlet

When each of her daughters got married, my mother gave them a notebook in which she had neatly written, in Tamil of course, the recipes she had collected; I consider it a treasure. Nevertheless, there were quite a number she did not prepare at home. Those were the ones that had eggs in the ingredients (she was allergic). It was in my Aunt Cynthia’s house that I became aware of these preparations and potato-cup mince cutlet was one of these. This is a high protein-high energy dish and it is not prepared very often because a lot of labour is required though preparation is not very difficult.

Potato-Cup Mince Cutlet

Potato-Cup Mince Cutlet

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